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PHP Memsource API
I am creating this Memsource API as a way to learn how to deal with one and to use with my next projects. I will not create the fully functional API here, but feel free to send a pull request if it were interesting for you.
There are other Memsource API repositories on GibHub that appears to be fully functional if you need it.
Install it with Composer:
- Create a
file with the following content:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/brunofontes/Memsource-API"
"require": {
"brunofontes/memsource-api": "*"
- Run
php composer.phar install
- Add the following line on your main .php file:
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
This repository returns a JSON string for almost any command. If you are not sure how to use it, just convert it to an object or an array as follows:
$myObject = json_decode($response);
$myArray = json_decode($response, true);
Create an instance
$memsource = new \BrunoFontes\Memsource();
- If you have already an access token, just include it:
$memsource = new \BrunoFontes\Memsource($token);
Basic (only for non-experienced devs)
### Getting an Access Token
To be able to use the Memsource API, you need an **access token**, but to get it, you need to:
#### Register as a developer on Memsource website
So you will receive your:
- *client id*
- *client secret*
#### Get an Authorization Code
$url = $memsource->oauth()->getAuthorizationCodeUrl($cliend_id, $callback_uri);
Redirect your browser to this returned $url
so the user can login via oauth.
The $callback_uri
will be called by Memsource with a $_GET['code']
that contains your Authorization Code, which you can use to...
Get an Access Token
$authCode = $_GET['code'];
$token = $memsource->oauth()->getAccessToken($authCode, $client_id, $client_secret, $callback_uri);
Safely store this $token
with the related user data and use it on any
Project list
To list all projects...
$projectList = $memsource->project()->listProjects;
To use filters, add the API filter as parâmeter:
$projectList = $memsource->project()->listProjects(['name' => 'Project X']);
List Jobs
Only projectUid is essencial:
$memsource->jobs()->listJobs($projectUid, ['count' => true, 'filename' => 'my_file.html']);