- Fixing vagrant
From time to time, after running the vagrant command
path were changed to Vagrant. I fixed it by changing the
&& to ";"
- Added "gmerge"
It is just a shortcut to merge another branch to the branch
I am working on. Very usefull if I have to merge it often.
1. Including config for VSCODE
2. Including path config for NPM
3. Changed Git Checkout alias from GCK to GCH
4. Including a git log alias
5. Including a LA alias (ls -A)
6. Including a CLEARLOGS alias that cleans old logs
7. Including a VZSH alias that vim .zshrc and source it after finished
8. Including SSH commands to make it easier to administrate ssh keys on keychain
9. Including a vagrant command to run it from it's path
10. Including a MKCD command that creates a folder and get inside it
11. Including a LE alias that applies LESS without using pipe "|"
12. Including LESS options to keep showing screen content on exit
13. Including TheFuck
14. Including Tilix fix