#!/bin/bash -- TITLE="" PRIORITY="" TAGS="" TOPIC="bft" TEXT="" HELP=' RUN: ntfy.sh [-t "My Title"] [-p "high"] [-a "tag1,tag2"] [--topic "bft"] Here goes my message Params: -t, --title, [optional] a title for the alert -p, --priority, [optional] The priorities are: min, low, default, high or urgent -a, --tags, [optional] one or more tags separate by comma with no spaces* --topic [optional] the topic/channel on which the message will be sent to List of emojis that can be used as tags: https://brunofontes.net:9795/docs/emojis/ ' [[ -z $1 ]] && echo -e "$HELP" && exit 1 while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do case $1 in -t|--title) #TITLE="-H \"Title: $2\"" TITLE="$2" shift && shift ;; -p|--priority) PRIORITY="$2" shift && shift ;; -a|--tags) TAGS="$2" shift && shift ;; --topic) TOPIC="$2" shift && shift ;; -h|--help) echo -e "$HELP" exit 0 ;; *) [[ -z $TEXT ]] && TEXT="$1" || TEXT="$TEXT $1" shift ;; esac done TOKEN=$(pass ntfy) /usr/bin/curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \ -H "Title: $TITLE" \ -H "Priority: $PRIORITY" \ -H "Tags: $TAGS" \ -d "$TEXT" \ https://brunofontes.net:9795/$TOPIC