#!/bin/sh sleep 30s while [ 1 = 1 ]; do sleep 30s if [ `kactivities-cli --current-activity | grep "Main" | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then exit 0 fi tomato=`ps -aux | grep tomatoshell | wc -l` # If there are less than 2 instances of tomato, it means it is just grep and not tomato itself if [ $tomato -lt 2 ]; then kactivities-cli --set-current-activity `kactivities-cli --list-activities | grep "Main" | cut -d' ' -f2` notify-send --icon=`kactivities-cli --list-activities | grep "OXO" | cut -d' ' -f4` -a "OXO Innovation" "Start a pomodoro to Work" fi done # kactivities-cli --stop-activity `kactivities-cli --list-activities | grep "Main" | cut -d' ' -f2` # notify-send --icon=`kactivities-cli --list-activities | grep "OXO" | cut -d' ' -f4` -a "OXO Innovation" "Main profile closed"