#!/bin/sh if [[ $(tmux ls | grep 'dashboard') ]]; then terminator -T "Dashboard" -x tmux a -t dashboard & exit fi echo "Iniciando Dashboard..." sleep 2 tmux new -d -s dashboard tmux rename-window -t dashboard "Dashboard" terminator -T "Dashboard" -x tmux a -t dashboard & sleep 10 tmux splitw -t dashboard tmux splitw -h -t dashboard:0.0 tmux resize-pane -U -t dashboard:0.2 15 tmux resize-pane -L -t dashboard:0.1 10 sleep 1 # 0 - Dashboard/khal tmux send -t dashboard:0.0 $'clear;watch --interval $((30 * 60)) --no-title --color screenfetch\n' tmux send -t dashboard:0.1 $'alias clear="clear;figlet Dashboard; echo -n Khal:\ ; khal list --exclude-calendar rotina; echo;"\n' tmux send -t dashboard:0.2 $'btop\n' tmux send -t dashboard:0.1 $'clear\n' tmux send -t dashboard:0.1 $'ikhal\n' # 1 - Tut tmux new-window -t dashboard sleep 1 tmux send -t dashboard:1.0 $'tut\n' tmux rename-window -t dashboard:1 tut tmux setw monitor-activity -t dashboard:1 # 2 - GoMuks tmux new-window -t dashboard sleep 1 tmux send -t dashboard:2.0 $'gomuks\n' tmux rename-window -t dashboard:2 gomuks # 3 - NeoMutt tmux new-window -t dashboard sleep 1 tmux send -t dashboard:3.0 $'sleep 120 && neomutt\n' tmux rename-window -t dashboard:3 neomutt # 4 - Joplin tmux new-window -t dashboard sleep 1 tmux send -t dashboard:4.0 $'joplin\n' tmux rename-window -t dashboard:4 joplin # Weechat keeps connecting and disconnecting and I am not reading the messages # so it was just creating noise in the chat rooms 5 - Weechat tmux new-window -t dashboard tmux send -t dashboard:5.0 $'sleep 120; ssh contabo screen -DRS weechat\n' tmux rename-window -t dashboard:5 weechat # Back to Dashboard tmux select-window -t dashboard:0 tmux setw monitor-silence -t dashboard:0