Just a huge amount of tests, shortcuts and other stuff. This is my messy drawer, do not expect organization here.
Go to file
2018-06-01 02:04:55 -03:00
Arch-Manjaro Organizing folders 2018-06-01 01:50:58 -03:00
Pacman Organizing folders 2018-06-01 01:50:58 -03:00
README.md Update README.md 2018-05-27 16:53:00 -03:00




This is not an automated script, but just a shorcut to git clone inside de Download folder, makepkg -si and delete the created structure.

Recommended: include in your ~/.bashrc the following line: alias aur='source ~/aur.sh'

Usage: find your package on aur website and just type aur name-of-package.

Example: for visual-studio-code-bin just type aur visual-studio-code-bin. It will ask for your root password and it will install it with all dependencies.